Met Office: Trinidad and Tobago, Windward Islands safe from tropical wave

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Photo courtesy the TT Meteorological Office

THE Met Office says the main area of weather associated with low-pressure system AL96 is now west of the Windward Islands and moving quickly westwards into the Caribbean Sea.

This means any threat from this system is no longer significant for Trinidad and Tobago or the Windward Islands.

The tropical wave AL96 was previously affecting the Windward Islands, with heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, and gusty winds already affecting parts of the region.

Despite the initial activity, environmental conditions were only somewhat favourable for further development of the system.

Most weather activity associated with AL96 was expected to remain north of Trinidad and Tobago but the Met Office forecast a medium (40 per cent) chance of isolated heavy showers and thunderstorms with gusty winds affecting the region.

The US National Hurricane Center assessed the system, giving it a low (ten per cent) chance of developing into a tropical depression over the next 48 hours and a 20 per cent chance over the next seven days.