Cap-de-Ville gunman snatches $10k, jumps through window

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Police cars on a crime scene. – File photo by Jeff K Mayers

SOUTH Western Division police are searching for a man after a report of a robbery with violence in the Cap-de-Ville area on the night of June 4.

Police said around 9.30 pm on June 4, the victim, 30, of Osbourne Trace, was in his bedroom when a gunman walked in and announced a hold-up.

The gunman demanded money and the victim handed over $10,000.

The police said the suspect pushed the victim onto his bed and then escaped by jumping through a window at the back of the house. The police were unsure where the bandit got into the house, as it was unsecured.

The suspect was wearing dark-coloured clothing with a hoodie over his head.

PCs Sheppard, Pascall and Ramdass visited and gathered evidence.

No one has been arrested.

PC Sheppard is leading the investigations.