UWI student among two shot dead in Laventille ambush

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Murdered 36-year-old labourer Walter John of Carenage. –

A 19-year-old UWI student is among two people who were shot and killed on July 19 while leaving a relative’s home in Marcano Quarry, Laventille.

Police reports said around 6.15 pm, Walter John, a labourer of Carenage, was leaving his brother’s home with Samantha Celine Chadee, of Tumpuna Road, Arima, sitting in the front passenger seat.

Chadee, a student at UWI, and John were in John’s grey Hyundai Accent car when the two were ambushed and shot several times with high-powered rifles.

John drove off but crashed a short distance away into a drain. Residents called the police, and patrolling officers responded.

Officers said the victims were shot multiple times.

Dr Ojar, the district medical officer, visited the scene and pronounced both dead. Crime scene officers processed the area and found 24 spent 5.56 shell casings and one live round of 5.7mm ammunition.

Officers from the Homicide Bureau of Investigations, Region One, are investigating.