Local News

Deputy Speaker protects Ratiram from government ministers

17 October 2024
This content originally appeared on News Day - Trinidad and Tobago.
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Ravi Ratiram -

COUVA NORTH MP Ravi Ratiram came under sustained criticism by several Government ministers, starting with Finance Minister Colm Imbert, who all sought to curb the extent of his contribution as he inquired into the state of the agriculture sector. This happened on October 16 during the Standing Finance Committee of the House of Representatives.

It fell to Deputy Speaker Esmond Ford, in the chair, to defend Ratiram.

Up to that point, Ratiram had led the Opposition's questioning of Agriculture Minister Kazim Hosein on the budget, who replied to questions, ably assisted by Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture Avinash Singh. Ratiram and Hosein appeared to have a mutual respect and even show cordiality in their discourse on the ministry's development estimates.

Hosein told Ratiram citrus operations at Marper Farm have been moved to St Augustine Nurseries.

The minister said thousands of citrus plants were available, but Ratiram then disputed that quantity.


The MP then said he wished to move on to talk about Mon Jaloux and La Gloria Farms.

However Imbert claimed Ratiram was not letting the minister reply but moving on to another topic. "I object, Mr Chairman."

Forde ruled, "No, no, no. Minister of Finance, again.

"I'm probably not in the position you are sitting. You are probably not realising that probably the minister would have finished, with regards to what he was saying.

"As deputy chair, I am trying my best to ensure that both sides and both individuals are given a fair opportunity to make their presentation – to ask their questions and also for the minister to answer."

Minister in the Ministry of National Security Keith Scotland piled in, claiming that if Ratiram gets a response he doesn't like, "he is just moving on" in his questioning before Hosein could answer.

Energy Minister Stuart Young added his voice, accusing Ratiram of thinking he was on a political platform. "He is dictating, 'I will now move on', and not allowing any opportunity for response.'"

Ford seemed unmoved by the ministers. "I understand that each member will have their own opinion but I think as the chairperson I am giving the minister the opportunity to answer accordingly and also for the members on the other side in order to ask the particular question.

"So Mr Minister (Hosein), I have been giving you the opportunity on each occasion to air your views, to answer the question, and in order to give you the additional opportunity to make the final comment on each particular instance. But I hear the concerns of all members."


Minister of Local Government Faris Al-Rawi then said the committee was meant to be an interrogation of figures, but had just spent several hours in "an interrogation of policy, description and prescription." Al-Rawi lamented any talk of "who, where and how". He chided, "This is a debate on policy!"

Forde said the committee would not consider any operational aspect, but the minister could put things on the table.

Naparima MP Rodney Charles said,"All I am asking is if there is a figure in front of us, is it wrong to ask, 'Why this figure?'.

"It is important we on this side understand clearly what is our remit. If there is a figure we need to know 'why ?', 'how it is?', 'why it is not higher?' and the thinking behind it.

"If we don't do that then all we could do is just arithmetic in here." Imbert complained he felt attacked.

Forde ruled that he had heard the views of members on both sides. "I think I have been giving the minister a fair opportunity to answer his (Ratiram's) question and to give an explanation.

"Yes, the chair is clear we are dealing with the fiscal parameters of this particular meeting, but again members in all fairness the minister is being given the opportunity."