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Young becomes Trinidad and Tobago’s eighth PM

18 March 2025
This content originally appeared on News Day - Trinidad and Tobago.
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Prime Minister Stuart Young, centre, is joined by his parents Prescilla and Richard at the swearing-in ceremony at the President's House, St Ann's on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers
Prime Minister Stuart Young, centre, is joined by his parents Prescilla and Richard at the swearing-in ceremony at the President's House, St Ann's on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers

TRINIDAD and Tobago made history with the swearing in of Prime Minister Stuart Young, on March 17.

Young took the oath of office at President's House, St Ann's, becoming Trinidad and Tobago's eighth prime minister.

In his first speech, Young said he plans to lead the country with integrity, inclusion and accountability.

Among the audience were his parents Richard and Prescilla, his children Ethan and Eric and notable figures like former prime minister Dr Keith Rowley.

At the same ceremony, former housing minister Camille Robinson-Regis was sworn in as the new Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs.


Robinson-Regis is the fourth woman to be appointed AG.

The first was Kamla Persad-Bissessar (1995-1996), then Glenda Morean-Phillip (2001-2003) and Bridgid Annisette-George (2007-2009).

The rest of the new Cabinet was announced at 3 pm on March 17 with some notable changes.

While Young retains his role as Energy Minister, former public utilities minister Marvin Gonzales became new Minister of National Security, replacing Fitzgerald Hinds who becomes a Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM).

Former permanent secretary and diplomat Vishnu Dhanpaul is the new Finance Minister, replacing Colm Imbert who became Public Utilities Minister.

Adrian Leonce joins Cabinet as Housing Minister, replacing Robinson-Regis with whom he had worked closely as her former junior minister.

Minister of Digital Transformation Hassel Bacchus retains his portfolio but also becomes a junior minister in the Finance Ministry, alongside Brian Manning.

Prime Minister Stuart Young takes the oath of office while President Christine Kangaloo looks on at the swearing-in ceremony at the President's House, St Ann's on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers 
Marvin Gonzales takes the oath of office as the new Minister of National Security at the President's House, St Ann's, on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K. Mayers


Prime Minister Stuart Young receives his instrument of appointment from President Christine Kangaloo at the swearing-in ceremony at President's House, St Ann’s on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers 
Minister of Planning and Development Pennelope Beckles-Robinson shakes hands with Prime Minister Stuart Young at the swearing-in ceremony at the President's House, St Ann's on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers 
Attorney General Camille Robinson-Regis receives her instrument of appointment from President Christine Kangaloo at the swearing-in ceremony at President's House, St Ann’s on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers 
Prime Minister Stuart Young shakes hands with former prime minister and PNM political leader Dr Keith Rowley at the reception following the swearing-in ceremony at President's House, St Ann’s on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers 
Prime Minister Stuart Young delivers his maiden speech after being sworn in at the President’s House, St Ann's on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers 
Sharon Rowley, wife of former prime minister and PNM political leader Dr Keith Rowley, speaks to Richard Young, Stuart Young's father, after the swearing-in ceremony at the President's House, St Ann's on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers 
Colm Imbert accepts his instrument of appointment as the Minister of Public Utilities from President Christine Kangaloo at the President's House, St Ann's on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K. Mayers
Fitzgerald Hinds takes the oath of office after being appointed a Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister. - Photo by Jeff K. Mayers
Prime Minister Stuart Young, centre, is flanked by members of his family at the swearing-in ceremony at President's House, St Ann’s on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers 


Richard Young, Stuart Young's father, shares a light moment with outgoing prime minister and PNM political leader Dr Keith Rowley at the reception following his son's appointment as the nation's new Prime Minister at the President's House, St Ann's on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers 
Former culture minister Joan Yuille-Williams speaks with Prime Minister Stuart Young after the swearing-in ceremony at the President's House, St Ann's on March 17. At right is Minister in the Ministry of Housing Adrian Leonce. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers 
Prime Minister Stuart Young shares a moment with his sons after the swearing-in ceremony at the President's House, St Ann's on March 17. - Photo by Jeff K Mayers
Newly appointed Attorney General Camille Robinson-Regis speaks to her successor Minister of Housing Adrian Leonce and his wife Karen-Lee Bethelmy Leonce at the President's House, St Ann's on March 17.  - Photo by Jeff K. Mayers
Prime Minister Stuart Young stands with his new Cabinet ministers at President's House on March 17. -Photo by Jeff K. Mayers
Newly appointed Minister of Public Utilities Colm Imbert speaks to Minister of Finance Vishnu Dhanpaul. -Photo by Jeff K. Mayers