Local News

Penal man murdered, father shot at home

25 March 2025
This content originally appeared on News Day - Trinidad and Tobago.
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The Batchyia Village, Penal home where Brandon Harripersad was killed by gunmen during an attack on the night of March 24. His father, Sheldon, was shot in his hand but survived.  - Photo by Rishard Khan
The Batchyia Village, Penal home where Brandon Harripersad was killed by gunmen during an attack on the night of March 24. His father, Sheldon, was shot in his hand but survived. - Photo by Rishard Khan

POLICE are probing an attack on a Penal family that ended in the murder of Brandon Harripersad, 34, and the hospitalisation of his father on the night of March 24.

Sheldon Harripersad, 54, told Newsday he was asleep at his Batchyia Village, Penal, home when he was awakened by his son screaming for help around 11 pm.

Exiting from his bedroom into the garage, he said he was attacked by a man in the darkness and began to fight for his life.

"All I hear was bang! He buss me. I fall down here."

Sheldon Harripersad was shot in his left hand.


He said the attacker and another man demanded the key to his Mazda 3 car which he handed over to them. He said the attackers then demanded he open the front gate. On his way to listen to the order, he said he saw Brandon covered in blood, lying in the driveway outside the garage. Terrified, he said he ran up into some nearby bushes and hid.

Sheldon Harripersad's wife, Karla, 57, was not at home when Newsday visited but she told investigators she heard loud explosions from inside the house. She said she was accosted by two masked men when she opened the front door to investigate. She said the men pushed their way inside and demanded money and jewellery.

She said the men then jumped in the family's car and, while trying to escape, drove over Brandon Harripersad.

Sheldon Harripersad was taken to the Siparia District Health Facility by ambulance before being transferred to the San Fernando General Hospital. He returned home around 9 am on March 25.

Brandon Harripersad was pronounced dead at the scene by a district medical officer.