Criminal Bar lawyers congratulate new ‘silk’

The content originally appeared on: Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

NEW SILK: President Christine Kangaloo, centre, with 13 attorneys who were appointed Senior Counsel at President’s House, Port of Spain, on June 17.
Front row from left: Annabelle Sooklal, Anthony Smart, Hasine Shaikh, Winston Seenath, Keith Scotland, Ravindra Nanga.
Back row, from left: Mark Morgan, Lee Merry, Elaine Green, Gregory Delzin, Simon De La Bastide, Regan Asgarali, and Faris Al-Rawi. – Photo by Roger Jacob

CRIMINAL Bar Association president Israel Khan, SC, has congratulated all the attorneys who were awarded silk on June 17.

“I wish to extend hearty congratulations to the members of the criminal bar on their elevations to the inner bar.”

He singled out Keith Scotland, who did his in-service training at Khan’s chambers, Gregory Delzin, Lee Merry, Chief Public Defender Hasine Shaikh and Elaine Green.

“Their awards were based on their merit, ability and integrity and the CBA wishes them every success in the profession and their private lives.”

On June 17, 13 attorneys were awarded senior counsel status at a ceremony at President’s House.

President Christine Kangaloo said the title of senior counsel was an honour for attorneys which was recognised by the courts.

She spoke of what goes with the “honorific title” of senior counsel, the process for select them and the role of the President, which, she said was to act on the advice of the Prime Minister in accordance with section 80 (1) of the Constitution.

“I offer my congratulations to all of you who have made it through the selection process that I have outlined, and who have been awarded silk. It is a tremendous professional honour.”

She also reminded that the title carried “tremendous responsibility.”