Local News

15 illegal Venezuelans detained

19 March 2025
This content originally appeared on News Day - Trinidad and Tobago.
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SOUTH WESTERN DIVISION police have detained 15 undocumented Venezuelans at the Erin Fishing Facility on March 18 in an exercise.

The illegal immigrants, ten males and five females, were taken to the Erin Police Station and were awaiting processing by the Immigration Department.

Snr Supt Kelvern Thompson, Supt Sookdeo, ASPs Forbes and Corrie and Insps Morales, Prescott and Sirju co-ordinated the exercise.

Sgts Paul and Leotaud and Cpl Bahadoor led the exercise, which included officers from the South Western Division Task Force, the Canine Branch and the Erin and Santa Flora police stations.