THE Prime Minister said he keenly looked forward to retirement, while confident he was leaving the country in good hands politically, as he bade farewell to PNM party members of his Diego Martin West constituency at a cocktail reception on February 1 at Diego Martin South Community Centre. Also attending were most of his Cabinet members including Energy Minister Stuart Young, prime minister-designate, plus constituency officials headed by chairman Jackie Lazarus.
Dr Rowley said he wished to break protocol on the occasion and began his speech by thanking his wife, Sharon Rowley, eliciting appreciative claps from guests.
He traced his journey in the PNM, recalling helping to build back the party after its huge loss to the NAR in 1986.
Rowley related that once after trying to rally the party at a meeting in south Trinidad, he had seen a man waiting hopefully for public transport at midnight in Rio Claro, who told him he had travelled all the way from Diego Martin in support of the party.
He said over the years when walking the hills of his constituency, whenever he saw roads and drains being built, he knew he was making a difference.
Rowley remarked, "When you see the conditions in which people live and you feel what they feel, then you understand that elections have consequences."
Saying some people claimed Diego Martin's relatively-new borough status made no real difference, he argued it was significant in light of the area once being based on tracks in a cocoa field. He hailed the area as one of the most self-sufficient communities – like Laventille – where people had built lives for themselves.
Rowley recalled that opening a health centre in Diego Martin during the pandemic had made him recall the Sound of Music song, "Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good." He said, "That is how I feel about you, Diego Martin."
Rowley looked ahead keenly.
"As I return to live in my own house in the coming weeks, I come back to meet you, very much like I met you at the beginning.
"Diego Martin West, I am coming home. I feel good." Hailing out two guests, he said, "You will see me more often."
He said while he was away serving in the Government, a dedicated constituency staff member regularly related to him "what you are going through every single day."
The PM also apparently thanked local supporters for rebuffing PNM detractors.
"If you are going to last long in the politics of this country, you need a Maria, you need a Francine, because some people have to be put in their place."
He observed, "One thing we have in Carenage and in Diego Martin in general is a great awareness of who we are."
Rowley said, "As I move back into our community full time and to Tobago of course which I will go to from time to time, we will walk in the park – our newest park – we will talk banking in our own FCB, we will walk and shop in the mall.
"Because now, as I get up in the morning I have no schedule to keep."
The audience applauded.
"But I could only do that – and it feels good – because I know I will be leaving you in good hands."
Guests erupted into wild applause.
"If I was leaving you in opposition I would be concerned, but I am leaving you with Foster, I am leaving you with Nyan, I am leaving you with Symon, I am leaving you with Kazim, I am leaving you with Hans." He named two other people, presumably local party activists.
"We have built a community, we have built our party, and in so doing we have built our country. And when you build your country, you build yourself. Thank you.
"Diego Martin, I am proud of you. And I hope Diego Martin, that after all these years – of thick and thin – you are proud of me."