Shipping containers are offloaded from a cargo vessel at the Port of Port of Spain. FILE PHOTO/JEFF MAYERS –
The Couva/Point Lisas Chamber of Commerce said the business community is facing waiting times of up to 14 days at the container examination station at the Port of Port of Spain. It said it was seriously concerned about the hardship the delays were causing the community.
In a statement on Thursday, the chamber said the business community using the facility was facing waiting times of eight to nine working days to get an appointment.
“That would be up to 14 days including non-working days. The non-working days are important to note since rent and demurrage include those days after the rent/demurrage-free day period has passed.
“This situation is causing severe hardship to various sectors of the business community, not just importers but brokers, haulers, retailers and consumers. It is having an impact on their ability to effectively conduct their business successfully while providing cost-effective service and prices to the public.”
The chamber said while it understood the work the Customs and Excise Division had to do with security, examination and due diligence regarding document screening and cargo inspections, the organisation requested immediate improvements in those areas to alleviate the ongoing delays.
It made the following suggestions on how the delays at the station could be reduced: longer opening hours, including Saturdays; overtime; examination at premises after hours or during work hours; rerouting officers to the container examination station; additional officers for screening documents; more dedicated use of the ASYCUDA system; and additional use of the scanners.
The chamber said those measures could assist in handling more examinations which could satisfy the security and revenue collection requirements of the Customs and Excise Division, while addressing the customer complaints and reducing delays.
It said the long-awaited standard operating procedure for the Customs and Excise Division would enhance the operations and efficiency of the process for importers, exporters and all other users.
The chamber said it was aware some of the delays might be caused by sheer volume of import containers based on a recent high influx of containers via a particular vessel at the Port of Port of Spain.
“However, this is not the first time this vessel is calling with such volumes and it will not be the last, therefore a more long-term and meaningful solution is warranted.”
The chamber said the arrival of the much-anticipated mobile scanners expected at both ports should provide additional relief to the processing and delivery of containers when fully implemented.
“The chamber is also aware that respective heads of the Customs and Excise Division and the operators of the container examination station at the Port of Port of Spain are working diligently to seek measures of improvement to alleviate these delays.
“However, more urgent action is required due to the present situation and the fast-approaching high season for import containers into TT. We look forward to the continued support from the Customs and Excise Division while they take immediate steps to provide much-needed relief to the business community utilising the container examination station at the Port of Port of Spain.